Sunday, May 18, 2008

Racism and the Way to Reconciliation

Let me first apologize to nonAfrican American minorities. I’m much more learned and versed to race relations as it pertains to white Americans and black Americans. The process to reconciliation is pretty much the same, though, if that helps.

As we begin this conversation, let’s first address some issues we know are fact. For example, fact: anti-black/African racism is pervasive in America.

Monday, April 21, 2008

'The Liberation of Reverend Wright' from The Nation

If you like this article, please consider subscribing to The Nation at special discounted rates. You can order online at or call our toll-free number at 1-800-333-8536.
Plus, read and comment.
Also, don't mistake superficial symmetry for true equality and justice. Contrary to a comment I read at The Nation, the Black church is not equivalent to the Ku Klux Klan. ~ no1kstate

Sunday, April 6, 2008

The Role of the Church in a Democracy

It’s taken me several weeks to get my thoughts together about the Rev. Wright controversy. This recent 40th anniversary of the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr helped me put a few things in perspective.

Now, this blog is new, a “sistah” blog to Dreams of the South Wind, if you will. “Dreams” will be more of my own personal political, social rantings and humor. “Whispers” will be more spiritually serious. In “Whispers,” I won’t support any particular partisan agenda or candidate but will lay out my feelings about the system as a whole.